Forward to Proverbs 31: The Golden Standard

By Mark Wright, Kym’s husband and best friend


Kym has always been interested in the Proverbs 31 verses. When she was still a teenager, she was teaching a Sunday School class to pre-teen girls. One of those young ladies was my sister, Shawn, and Kym was teaching them about Proverbs 31. And they were embroidering and learning other sewing skills. I think that must have been when I fell for Kym, in 1974.

Born in Atlanta, she has always been a southern lady, a Georgia Peach. Long dresses were her favorite outfit, except when we rode our bikes along the beach. After our marriage and the babies came along, Kym chose to stay home to raise them. Always interested in God’s ways, and His will for her life, our lives together, and corporately for the family, Kym began studying deeper about the roles of women through a biblical perspective. And I’m so grateful that she did.

Her heritage goes deep in the southern tradition, from a long line of wives and mothers who were lionesses when it came to their lair. During the depression, her grandmother kept hearth and home together while her husband rode the railroads looking for work. All nine siblings stayed at home, adding foster and adopted children to the brood.

My mother was also the quintessential mother, who stayed home and reared us around the globe. Everywhere my military father was transferred, my mother made a comfortable home for us – beautiful, livable, and welcoming. She was a godly woman that cherished and lived out what God had to say about the roles of wives and mothers – and Proverbs 31 was one of her favorite templates for life.

Kym’s mother has just spent some time living with us and I see that the apple does not fall far from the tree.  She is known as Fram in our extended family, and she is a treasure to all of us. She spent a lifetime traveling the world in the military with Kym’s father – a vibrant, powerful chaplain in the Air Force that touched many lives and shaped the views of my dear wife. I will always be grateful for the Biblical principles that the two of them taught and modeled to Kym and thousands of others around the world.

We have a rich heritage of role models in our two families and a loving Heavenly Father that has provided such rich and precious guidance on the role of wives and mothers. Even though it is counter to the world’s view of successful women, read it with an open heart and allow Kym’s word’s and the Lord’s leading to help shape a worldview for you and your family that will be world changing.



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